Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Eight: Case File No. 38-402
What will happen to the birds and squirrels when their trees are chopped down?
What will happen to the birds and squirrels when their trees are chopped down?
Why did Mr. Chu leave the safety of his burrow during the night? Simona the fawn led us to this mystery.
Why didn’t our spell work to trap the stray called Savile? What went wrong with this mission?
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NJDEP may have made some advances in a slightly more humane bear management program, but we still hate the entire idea of the hunt when the problem is habitation loss.
What’s a clever rodent to do when all the trees used for nests are getting up-ended by storms?
Was it really an earthquake that struck New Jersey and the east coast on April 5, 2024?
Environmentalism is a top priority for the critters of the neighborhood and they are bringing those concerns to their polling places.